Një ditë pas fitores, Albin Kurti vjen me mesazh interesante për Llapjanët

Newly elected Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti (C) waves after the voting session of the Assembly in Pristina on February 3, 2020. – Albin Kurti was voted on February 3 Kosovo’s new prime minister, raising hopes that a EU-mediated dialogue with Serbia, in stalemate for over a year, could resume and ease tensions in the war-scarred region. The 44-year old Kurti and his cabinet were elected four months after a snap election and only a day before the deadline, avoiding to push Kosovo into a political crisis. Once dubbed ‘Kosovo’s Che Guevara’, Kurti vowed to tackle economy and unemployment, fight corruption and introduce a three-month compulsory military service. (Photo by Armend NIMANI / AFP)

Kryetari i Vetevendosjes Albin Kurti, përmes një mesazhi në Facebook, ka uruar qytetarët llapjanë, për zgjedhjen që bënë që në 9 muajt e ardhshëm t’i qeverisë Shpejtim Bulliqi.

Ai ka thënë se është humbur shumë kohë e vlefshe dhe se Shpejtimi është i domosdoshëm.

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