“Salah është duke e bërë atë që Ronaldo kishte bërë për Manchester Unitedin”

Wayne Roounet thotë se Mohamed Salah ka filluar të ketë ndikimin e njëjtë te Liverpooli siç e kishte pasur dikur Cristiano Ronaldo te Manchester Unitedi.

Salah ka luajtur një rol kyç te Liverpooli që prej transferimit të tij nga Roma në verën e vitit 2017.

“Mo Salah është duke filluar të bëjë atë që Ronaldo kishte bërë për Manchester UnitediN, në aspektin e të qenët aty dhe të mos kthyerit në mbRojtje, por gjithmonë duke qenë një rrezik qoftë nëse jeni duke luajtur ndaj tij në mbrojtje apo në mesfushë”, ka thënë Rooney.

6,382 thoughts on ““Salah është duke e bërë atë që Ronaldo kishte bërë për Manchester Unitedin””

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  11. At its heart, Funny Games is a curious sociological probe, dropped down the crevasse of horror cinema like a flare, shining light on the endlessness to question the meaning for such visceral gore, though, of course, Haneke is well-aware of the answer. The joys of escapism keep audiences coming back time and time again, a fact that makes the director’s strange analysis of modern cinema, betwixt reality and fantasy, that much more special. That helps to explain the unsettling mood of Funny Games, in which the “verifiable reality” of the family meets the “prototypical mode” of the villains, about whom we know nothing, and learn nothing. Paul and Peter offer up bogus backstories, which they themselves jokingly dismiss as lies. They have no pasts, nor much in the way of identities. We’re not even entirely sure what their names are. They often interact with their victims through a series of games, which adds an extra layer of cruelty to the proceedings but which also, importantly, reduces everything to binaries—“it” and “not it,” “hot” and “cold,” “winner” and “loser.”
    Have fun learning and good luck! Sequence Numbers is a great game where each  player holds a subtraction or addition card. Get the right answer and add a chip to the board. When you get five – you win! What a fun math board game! I think this is great for younger children, but also older kids. You could make it harder by adding a timer so they have only a set amount of time to answer the math questions. This online math games for 4th grade improves visual attention and counting skills. KidzType Typing Games Awful Waffles -Online Game 8th Grade Math Games – Square roots, exponents, and scientific notation are some of the concepts in these fun math games. The Pythagorean Theorem is also featured in these games also. Play this game to practise multiplication skills.Take a look

  12. Our proprietary model, built by DFS pro Mike McClure, has been RED-HOT since the PGA Tour resumed in June of 2020. In fact, the model is up almost $9,000 on its best bets since the restart, nailing tournament after tournament. Kisner has been on record saying he goes into some tournaments knowing he doesn’t have much of a chance to win because the course is too long for him. That isn’t the case at Southern Hills. Kisner has been on record saying he goes into some tournaments knowing he doesn’t have much of a chance to win because the course is too long for him. That isn’t the case at Southern Hills. Sleeper pick: Richard Bland, +50,000. We had a 50-year-old win the PGA last year, so why can’t a 49-year-old get it done this week? Bland fell just short of earning a Masters invite this year, so I’d love to see him have a great major week at Southern Hills.
    Having originated in the UK, bookmakers have grown in popularity around the world – first as physical shops in the High Street and now as online sites. The principle of betting at these online sites is simple – the probabilities surrounding a sports event are used to determine an odds value, on which you place your stake bet. For those of you who don’t live in a state where online sports betting sites are now legal, daily fantasy sports (DFS) betting is the next best thing. DFS is an excellent alternative to regular sports betting sites, as it allows you to play for real money on sports in a fantasy setting.  Online gambling is the act of placing wagers on risk-based games for the chance of winning money. Sports matches, casino games and popular card games like poker are common forms of online gambling.

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  14. A good way of catching your reader’s attention is by sharing a story that sets up your paper. Sharing a story gives a paper a more personal feel and helps make your reader comfortable. A hook for a compare and contrast essay can vary. You can find one or two best features of the two discussed objects and write them as the opening sentence of your piece, creating interest for a reader. Alternatively, you can intrigue the reader with a question, quotation, or a scene. In case you want to use a key feature as a hooking element in an essay, it is recommended repeating the same within the body of your writing. To write a good hook in an essay requires particular skills, but practicing will help you find the best solution for certain cases. ‍‍The truth is: every piece of writing can’t start with an explosion or a chase scene. Especially if you’re writing an academic essay or other piece of nonfiction that needs to stick with the facts. But there are better ways to start your essay than the sleepy “A recent study observed 300 chimpanzees in 50 habitats over seven years. This is what it found.”
    Every month, students start looking for good narrative essay topics, hoping to fulfill their professors’ requirements. Writing assignments is a common academic task all over the world, in every school, college, and university. To get a great grade, in most cases, you have to demonstrate how thorough your research is and how well you understand a complex topic. But narrative papers stand out because of creativity heavily involved in them. There is no need to investigate something — all you have to do is tell a personal story in a compelling way. Paper format: APA A narrative essay is a paper that tells a story. You can think of it as the transcript of the narrator’s words setting scenes in a movie. Short stories can also be considered samples of the narrative writing style. Narrative essays are the best when you need to tell a story about unforgettable life experience and describe your personal attitude to some things, events, places, people. They are easy to write as there aren’t strict rules or restrictions. When one day novice writer has to choose narrative essay topics by himself, it results in some difficulties. The person can accept one of the proposed themes at school or where else; it is crucial to be into the things you are going to tell about.

  15. Read on for FA Cup stream info, fixtures, and predictions. Have a prediction for tonight’s match? Let us know your score in the comment section below. Here are my selections for this Saturday: One of the most popular outcomes to bet on in soccer is 1×2 betting, otherwise known as three way betting. This is where you predict the final result of a match – a home win (1), a draw (x) or an away win (2). It’s a market which is unique to soccer and only a few other sports. Many sports have only a winner or a loser but soccer is one of the few which can also have a draw. Our panel clearly shows you which of the three outcomes is most probable for each fixture and by what percentage. This data makes it a lot easier for you to decide whether to back the favourite or take a shot on an underdog.
    Aubameyang, 33, suffered a broken jaw when four armed burglars terrifyingly broke into his Barcelona home last month. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Overview See the events in life of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in Chronological Order Aubameyang’s move to Barcelona leaves Arsenal light in attack – just as they are aiming for a top-four finish Watch: Aubameyang hits a hat-trick as Dortmund strike six FootballPotter confirms stance on Chelsea star who has offer to leaveFormer Arsenal forward has admirers across the pond It’s soo annoying how the coach is mistreating auba… what at all has he done that the club can’t let go of it? After all dat he has done for this club look at what he gets in return…useless club Current FIFA rules indicate Aubameyang already playing for Barcelona this season could scupper an agreement due to rules on re-registering for a club inside the same campaign.

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